With December coming to a close and the Holiday Season upon us, I would like to say Thank You for a wonderful year in your company!
Thank you for reading the blogs, following me online, and giving invaluable feedback. Know that your questions and comments on the blogs are a source of rich insight for other readers.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to continue to share my workplace Genuine Conversation experiences with you. All of you are proof that the very human need for clear and respectful communication remains alive and well!
As a coach, I continue to be inspired by my clients who demonstrate each day that being genuine – first with self and then with others – fosters resourcefulness and leads to better life choices. Your success is a source of personal joy.
I wish you and your loved ones Happy Holidays, and look forward to reconnecting with you in the New Year!
Joyeux noel Dominique! A l’annee prochaine.
Au plaisir de continuer nos conversations en 2017. Bonne et heureuse année!
Tous mes voeux pour une année 2017 prospère sur tous les plans! Que la santé soit toujours au rendez-vous!
Merci Yannick. Que 2017 soit heureuse et prospère et que tes voeux se réalisent!