
We know getting back into the office after the shutdown is going to be challenging. But there are things we can do to ease this transition for ourselves and our coworkers or employees—and this is a prime opportunity to rethink what kind of work culture we are creating each day. We can let this time …

A new kind of workplace Read More »

Have you noticed that time is completely different now? I normally have a very well-developed sense of time, as though I swallowed a watch at some point. Years of facilitating workshops and moderating conferences left me confident in my ability to know how much time has passed and to make the most of each minute. …

Where Did the Time Go? Read More »

I began to think about this a few weeks ago as I left a building where I’d spent the day with my mother in palliative care—the day before she died. I’d arrived in a hurry early that morning after one of my sisters called me in. My mother had had a hard night and we needed to make some decisions about dosage for morphine and other drugs, so my other sister and I had rushed to be with our family. I’d parked hastily in the dark, snow-covered visitors’ lot, and hadn’t given another thought to my car all day. Why would I? My mother was dying. 

No matter who you are, I’m willing to bet that you, like my clients, friends, and me, could use an accountability partner. If we’re doing something fun, we always think of bringing company. Shopping, going out for food, going to a show. It’s great to share in the joyful parts of life together. But I’d …

The Accountability Partner Read More »

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