“None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.” — Henry David Thoreau Aging can be a pain, not only because of the actual physical pains and changes we experience, but also because of the emotional impact that aging can have on us. And by “us,” of course, I mean “me.” I’m feeling the emotional …
Two words that will ruin your life Yes, ruin! I’m only being a tiny bit hyperbolic here. There are two innocuous-seeming words I avoid when I’m trying to manifest something. They’re “when” and “if.” They’re not inherently bad words—we use them all the time. But they can also be used to dodge the work of …
Coaching can be an incredibly fruitful endeavour. One recent experience has left me with renewed enthusiasm for art of coaching a group to their full potential, even through critical times. Overworked and understaffed I was brought into a beleaguered department with an enormous, overarching mandate that affects every other department in its organization. The department …
A Living Nightmare A client was commenting on the fact that his career was turning around and that every person he was now meeting and every situation he encountered was interesting and positive. He was surprised because this was coming on the heels of the lowest point in his corporate career where every move he …