For many of us, our business is intrinsically tied to a passion of ours; for example, animal lovers who open a rescue centre, or become veterinarians. But even if we’re lucky enough to have built a career in a field that we are truly passionate about, it never encompasses our complete story. Who we are is much more complex than the “business owner” version we put out to clients and targeted audiences – and embracing all of our individual versions can even help us in business!
Some of you may know me as a management consultant and business coach, guiding clients toward their purpose and goals. On the other hand, you may know me as an artist, working towards awakening the Divine Feminine through sculptures. But through both my art and work, I am constantly mining archetypes and the deep stories that unite us all for inspiration and direction.
I recently gave a talk at the Alpha Gallery about how I, a consultant, came to be commissioned to sculpt monuments – and the short answer is, it’s because everything we do is connected, no matter how distinct the themes seem to be.
I explained to the crowd at the Alpha Gallery that, on the business side, I had done a significant amount of pro-bono work while also being heavily involved in the community. I had created a name for myself as a moderator in the field of social justice, and could be trusted to manage large projects – business or art related.
On the art side, I had always made sure to get exposure whenever possible, by exhibiting, having a website, volunteering for Black History Month events, and going on community TV and Radio shows to speak. I opened my studio to visitors.
It was just a matter of time before my art was discovered by decision-makers, which is exactly what happened. Suddenly, my art and business worlds came together – and it resulted in my being commissioned to create sculptures.
I am telling you this story not only to talk about the obvious statement that we all have multiple passions, but to point out that it’s OK for us to talk about those passions together, as pieces of our identity, instead of creating silos. And, as a bonus, when we do bring them together it may offer new opportunities for us, in business or elsewhere.
What passions do you have that aren’t necessarily related to your business? Do your clients or employees know about the other “version” of you? If not, what’s keeping you from letting them? I’m going to be using my experience to motivate me to be more open about all aspects of my personality and my passions, and continue to bring them together – an amalgamation of Medusa and Business, my two personalities. I hope to spark even more conversation while continuing to deliver expert coaching services.