As the year draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on a dynamic and interesting year. Personally, culturally, and globally, 2017 has been a very active and change-filled year—to varied effects!
I wonder whether, when you reflect on your personal 2017, you will also see parallels between your experiences and those occurring in the wider world. Perhaps you went through changes in leadership—or maybe you stepped into a leadership role yourself. Perhaps conflicts boiled over, or perhaps you managed to turn the heat down on those burners in time. It’s possible that painful truths emerged, clearing a path for exponential development.
It’s not always easy to live in “interesting times”, but growth, while necessary, vital, and essential, is never easy!
I hope that you can take a week or two during December to rest, celebrate, and contemplate in preparation for 2018. I find these times of ritual and joy punctuate our years, anchoring our memories and reflections. As you reflect, I hope you find time to feel proud of what you’ve accomplished, and are invigorated by what you’ve yet to do.
Finally, my wishes for your new year are simple as can be: I wish for 2018 to be a year of bravery, honesty, and community, so that when we reflect in a year’s time, we’ll see that the world has become a better place, even if only slightly.