As we approach the end of 2019, I want to extend a warm thank you. It is such a gift to be welcomed into your inbox to talk about this work we are all doing, of becoming whole and empowered people at work and in life. I am honoured to count you among my blessings.

This is a contemplative time of year, when we take stock of the last twelve months. What did they hold for you? What were the challenges? What were the rewards? What were the surprises?

My year held many difficult things. The challenges included losing both of my parents, managing their estates, and having my new home significantly damaged by flooding. The rewards were many too: my son got married, I spent a lot of time with my siblings, and my career has never been more fulfilling.

The biggest surprise for me is that last piece. Partially because of the challenges of this year, I’ve felt my mission become crystal clear: I am focusing even more on mental health and wellness facilitation, especially in difficult workplaces.

I’m so inspired by the brave people I work with in this capacity, and I’m more excited than ever to commit to engaging in genuine conversations and our dynamic journeys to wellness.

I hope that as you contemplate your 2019, your purpose or mission comes more into focus too, and that you are a few steps closer to becoming wholly yourself. And whether you’re getting ready for religious rituals, marking the solstice, or just ready for a break from work, I hope your midwinter’s rest is restorative, peaceful, and joyful.

Let’s all welcome 2020 with clear vision!

If you need help rephrasing your ifs and whens to hows and whats, a coach can help. Find out how you can work with me by clicking on the link below.

2 thoughts on “Happy holidays!”

  1. Not for publication, just a note to Dominique.

    What a year for you, Domi! But like Phoenix (how coincidental, tittle of your first book) you always come ahead better, stronger, and reinvented. Love You!

    I also changed my mission this year and chose to spend a year babysitting my granddaughter while l left on the table a one year contract. I feel time has come to do what my heart wants and embrace new tempo of life, seeing and experiencing life.

    Working on mental health issues is something not everyone has ability nor desire and for that thank you so much as it’s so needed!!

    Merry Christmas and all the best in the New 2020 to you, your son and your daughter-in-law.

    1. Dominique Dennery

      Wow Jagoda, what a wonderfully bold step you took! Very glad you have chosen you! Embrace and rejoice! So glad for you. Hope you had a wonderful holiday and are enjoying the start of the new year. I can’t wait to be a grandmother! Enjoy

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