With the recently passed anniversary of George Floyd’s murder, I’ve had opportunity to see some pretty grave missteps when it comes to addressing antiracism in organizations. One of the main ways this happens is when white leaders center their own feelings about racism rather than acknowledge and address systemic, institutional racism within their company. The …
In my last blog, I spoke about Gender Inequality in Business, and the struggles many (if not all) women in consulting face in their careers. But there are two sides to every story, and this week I want to share the second part in that series – the good side. A Push to Succeed I …
As a Black female consultant, who often works with female leaders in organizations or women entrepreneurs forging their own path, I have been witness to many other women’s struggles and successes over the years. Entrepreneurship is a tough path for anyone. Factor in gender and race, and it becomes even more difficult to survive in …
How can we stay level when we’re doing very serious work? I’ve been doing diversity work on and off for most of my life. I’ve moderated conversations on elimination of gender-based violence, homelessness, and many other oppressions. These are serious conversations I’m engaging in, and I’ve been talking to anywhere from a thousand to over …
The pandemic has brought into relief many problems that already existed in workplaces, and through my coaching clients I’m seeing how many issues are arising in leadership. My clients are experiencing this in droves. Most of my coaching clients are leaders, who in turn report to others in leadership positions. I’m seeing higher levels of …
This past year, perhaps more than ever, we’ve been witnessing the impact our social environment plays in shaping our mental health. With the pandemic present, many of us have had our regular environments either change drastically or become eliminated altogether, and many of us have felt the effects. The places and circumstances in which we …
Preventing Stress in the Workplace for Greater Overall Wellness Read More »
Traditionally, the third Monday in January – known as Blue Monday – is said to be the saddest day of the year. The highs of the holiday season, spent with family and friends in a normal year, are gone. The days are short, dark, and cold. Credit card statements, often reflecting the excesses of the …
This Blue Monday, Take Time to Be Mindful and Set Intentions Read More »
As we near the end of 2020, a milestone that couldn’t come fast enough for most of us, it seems that 2021 will bring more of the same trends we spent this unprecedented year getting used to; including continued working from home. As managers and leaders who are used to working with teams in person, …
If there’s one thing that’s certain about COVID-19, it’s that it has completely thrown a wrench into what ‘work’ looks like for almost all of us. With the exception of a rare few, almost everyone, whether employee, leader, or president, has had to make adjustments to how they work. For some, they’re not even going …
We know getting back into the office after the shutdown is going to be challenging. But there are things we can do to ease this transition for ourselves and our coworkers or employees—and this is a prime opportunity to rethink what kind of work culture we are creating each day. We can let this time …